Swimming Pool Tile Tustin CA

Swimming Pool Tile Tustin CA

We’ll help you find the perfect swimming pool tile Tustin CA to make your pool area pop.

At Mission Tile West, we can provide you with an alternative to cement for your pool area: swimming pool tile Tustin CA. We carry premium tile from over 200 companies, and we also create our own unique lines of tile influenced by classic California designs. Tile suitable for your pool and patio might include:

  • Terra cotta tile
  • Hand-painted tile
  • Mexican pavers
  • Mosaic tile
  • Cement tile
  • Natural stone

When it comes to the pool deck or patio, we typically recommend natural stone or unglazed terra cotta tile, because these materials are not slippery. If you’re afraid terra cotta or stone will look drab, don’t be. You can add a sprinkling of colorful Talavera tiles as an accent.

Types of Pool Tile Tustin CA

Another fantastic choice for your pool and patio is mosaic tile. Mosaic swimming pool tile Tustin CA comes in a variety of colors and styles. You can choose from randomized mosaics, abstract patterns, or even representational mural-like mosaics. Mosaic tile brings up a feeling of old-world luxury, but it can also appear very contemporary if you select designer colors or shimmering finishes that will catch the light and look great next to the pool. You can expand the mosaic motif by running a band of this tile along the walls surrounding your pool or even embedding mosaic tiles in the pool deck itself.

Other Outdoor Living Space Ideas

If you decide to upgrade your pool area with designer swimming pool tile Tustin CA, don’t forget to also coordinate with other parts of your home. You can add some tile accents to walls and floors to complement the pool, or even create artistic elements like wall fountains or decorative murals using tile.