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Important Facts to Know Before Installing Tub and Shower Wall Panels

Important Facts to Know Before Installing Tub and Shower Wall Panels

If you’re looking into tub and shower wall panel systems, there is one important thing to know: There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution. However, there are many good options. At Mission Tile West we can offer you some truly spectacular bathroom tiles to cover your tub and shower walls. Read on to learn more about what else you need to know before choosing tub and shower wall panels.

There are six main options

There are some companies who claim that the standard 1/8” thick acrylic wall system is the only option. This is also known as the “one-day bathroom” because it can supposedly be put up in one day. There are also many options including:

  1. PVC composite decorative stone panels
  2. Fiberglass wall panels
  3. Solid surface wall panels
  4. Laminated shower and tub panels
  5. High-gloss wall panels

These are all easy to install and put together and you can finish them off with unique tiles from Mission Tile West.

You’re going to want to use separate panels for each wall

You’ll see options out there that claim they’re seamless throughout. It’s true that if you’re building a new home this is a possibility – you could indeed install a boring, fiberglass unit that’s installed before your home is fully framed. However, if your home is already built then there’s one serious problem with getting a one-piece, seamless shower: It won’t fit through the door of your bathroom! We highly recommend the simple option of using separate panels for each wall.

The thickness of the wall panels is likely not as important as you think

Yes, it can be nicer to have thicker panels. However, regardless of how thick or thin the panels are, if they’re correctly adhered to the wall then they’re going to do the job you need them to and they’re going to be waterproof. Thinner panels are much more affordable and are fine if your budget is tight. However, no matter the thickness, we always recommend using the adhesives recommend by the manufacturer. If you have panels installed and they’re not stuck properly, you could have a messy disaster on your hands.

Tiles are recommended for custom sized showers

If you have a custom-sized shower then you’re not likely to have the option of grout-free wall panels. Instead, you should use tile. Not only will they look great, but they are much easier to work with and allow you to cover a surface of any size at all.

If you need assistance finding the right tile for your project then we encourage you to contact Mission Tile West at 626-799-4595 to find out more. We can help you select the right tile, help you understand the difference in various finishes, and offer experienced advice on your project. Feel free to stop by or call us today.