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Get Tips for Matching Your Tile Flooring with Your Wall Colors

Get Tips for Matching Your Tile Flooring with Your Wall Colors

At Mission Tile West we have worked with countless homeowners and business owners to help them find the perfect designs for their home. One common question we get is how to match wall paint colors with tile flooring options. Keep reading to find out the best tips we can offer for this issue. If you need additional help, contact us at 626-799-4595.

How to Choose Paint Colors for Light Tiles

If you choose light-colored tiles, we recommend also keeping your paint colors light. Light-colored tiles are a great way to open up a space and you do not want the walls to undo the magic. When you pair a light tile with light walls, it can help make the space look even larger than it otherwise did. Whites are great choices with light-colored floors, but ash, cream, and off-white are great options too.

If you want more character than you will get from white colored tones, consider colors that are more unique but still light. This would include grey, beige, taupe, greige, and neutrals. Do not choose darker browns or yellows as they are likely to clash with your flooring.

How to Choose Paint Colors for Grey Tile Flooring

Grey flooring has become more popular in recent years. You may wonder: What paint color goes well with that? First, we recommend that you avoid grey colors. This can result in a monochromatic look that has a somewhat depressing effect and does not feel welcoming or cozy.

Good options include cool blues that are relaxing. Cool tones also help keep the contrast to a minimum so everything looks good. Do not choose aqua or turquoise as the green in these blues can lead to too much green and an untidy look. Of course, white paint can look great with grey flooring too.

How to Choose Paint Colors for Dark-Toned Flooring

If you choose a darker tile flooring, you could end up with a very chic, sophisticated, and modern look. However, if it is paired with the wrong paint colors, it can end up looking intense and off putting. We recommend choosing a light paint color to help contrast with the dark flooring. The color to choose depends on the colors in the dark toned flooring but we recommend trying to keep your walls three shades lighter than your flooring – at a minimum.

We Can Help You Find the Perfect Flooring for Your Home or Business

While we can’t provide the paint you need for your remodeling project, we can give you access to our unique handmade tiles and tiles made by other manufacturers we respect. To learn more, visit us or call us at 626-799-4595.