Swimming Pool Tile Irvine CA

Swimming Pool Tile Irvine CA

We’ll help you find the perfect swimming pool tile Irvine CA to make your pool area pop.

Swimming pool tile Irvine CA can provide a welcome alternative to painted concrete for your pool area. We carry high-quality tile from over 200 companies, and we also make our own special lines of tile inspired by traditional California designs. Here are the sorts of tile we usually recommend for pool areas:

  • Terra cotta tile
  • Hand-painted tile
  • Mexican pavers
  • Mosaic tile
  • Cement tile
  • Natural stone

When it comes to the pool deck or patio, we typically recommend natural stone or unglazed terra cotta tile, because these materials are not slippery. If you’re afraid terra cotta or stone will look drab, don’t be. You can add a sprinkling of colorful Talavera tiles as an accent.

Types of Pool Tile Irvine CA

Another kind of tile we often recommend for use as swimming pool tile Irvine CA is cement tile. This classic Mexican tile has been showcased in some very stylish California properties recently. Multipurpose cement tiles can serve just as well as pavers or as accent pieces. They wear extremely well and have a long lifespan because their color is not applied as a glaze, which could chip off over time, but as a dye the extends all the way through the tile.

Other Outdoor Living Space Ideas

If you want to update your pool area with designer swimming pool tile Irvine CA, don’t forget to also coordinate with other parts of your home. You can use the same decorative tiles you inserted around your pool to enhance up other areas like outdoor fireplaces, privacy walls, bars and grilling areas, or paths and patios.